God Forgives; The Rest of Us Hold Grudges

When Edgar Rabbitsuit is hired to look into what appears to be a routine investigation, things begin to spiral out of control. The routine investigation to find out who is stalking his client turns into tracking down a serial killer before this killer murders his client. The story is set against the background of the preparations being made for the 1967 Democratic Party National Presidential Convention.

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Alan Barysh

Alan Barysh is a writer, poet, performance poet, and musician. He graduated from Windsor Mountain School and The Broadcasting Institute of Maryland. Between 1966 and 1989 he performed and/or conducted for Albert Ayler and John Cage. In 1998 he was Poet In Residence at The Maryland Institute College of Art. In 1987, he was a featured reader at Art Scape. In 2007, he was a featured reader at the Maryland Book Festival. 

Two collections of short stories Mike And Maryanne Meet The Angel Of Death, and the sequel Upon Awakening Father Brown Finds A Solution, were published by ApozathyPress. His own self-published books are: Bugged, Slugged, Mugged, Art Between Deliveries, The Wit And Wisdom Of Donald Trump, 5-7-6-365, 5-7-5=365, Poems For The Universe/Space Haiku, and John Cage On The Download, He has also appeared in Octopus Dreams an anthology edited by Julie Fisher, and Blu Magazine of The Breuderhoff Religious Community.

His self-produced compact discs are Resist To Exist, Alan Barysh With The Buzzard Luck Ensemble, and Art Between Deliveries. He is featured on two compact disks of poetry by Blair Ewing. They are Word Up Baltimore and The Road Less Traveled. He rewrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn without racist words and faux radio advertisements as a radio play. He is currently writing new versions of the Nancy Drew mystery series. The Nancy Drew in this reincarnation. smokes weed, drinks margaritas, cusses like a sailor, has a live-in boyfriend, and was a former member of the revolutionary group Students For A Democratic Society,

For more information and or interviews you may write

Alan Barysh

101 North Beechwood Avenue

Catonsville Maryland 21228

Phone 443-239-5325

e-mail magoo1917 earthlink.net




Tides of the Heart